New Zealand born Chris Malloy has developed a hover bike drone. As seen in several movies including Star Wars, hover bikes appeared to be only possible in a distant future. However...
Luxury iPhone vendor Feld & Volk have released photos of what may be the iPhone 6 prototype. Experts have many predicitions about the iPhones new features. These include: A8...
This video shows you how to quickly change the Author on a Wordpress post. Note - you must have "Editor" or "Administrator" rights to be able to change the author...
Martin jetpack, the world's first practical jetpack, has recently made leaps and bounds over previous models. This improvement has been described as a 'quantum leap' over the previous model. Here...
Canvas is a powerful and flexible Wordpress theme, from Woothemes. However the way it dynamically creates it's own thumbnails can cause problems. 95% of the time the auto-cropping is fine....