The Internet has an incredible potential to make the world more equal. The Internet allows anyone, no matter what their background, an equal chance to share their opinions and get educated. However unfortunately, even in 2014, the majority of the world is still not online. To date, 4 billion people are not online.

Although the web creates equal opportunity in some places, not everywhere has access to this equal opportunity. And those who need the equal opportunity the most are the ones who can’t access it. Nine out of ten of those not online are in the developing world. They are most likely to be poor, female and in a developing country.

Denmark and it’s Scandinavian neighbors top the list with the best Internet access. Ethiopia is last with the least access. The reason why access is lowest in poorer countries is simple: a broadband subscription in a rich country costs one percent of average earnings. In the poorest countries, it’s over 100 percent.

It’s easy to complain in New Zealand about our Internet access or lack thereof. Those in rural New Zealand especially have reason to complain! But at the end of the day, we don’t have it bad. We are amongst the minority who is online. There is still much to do in conquering the digital divide.

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