Social Commerce is quickly infiltrating into every social media site. Facebook and Twitter quickly jumped on board. But now it’s no longer just the big guns participating. Smaller social media sites including small retailers in Asia are becoming more social. Even social media profiles of influential users have become social commerce hotspots!

BBC explains this phenomenon saying, “Global retailers are pulling out all the stops to increase their presence on social networks with technology that allows you to broadcast your latest fashion find online, even before it rings through the register.”

A great example of this is, a social network site doubling as a online retail store.

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Even just a glance at the site lets you see how social and interconnected it is. Users can upload pictures of an item and search it to find similar items offered online. The technology is so exact that you can even narrow in on nail art to find the exact item amongst two million items over 5000 brands.

The website has close to 400,000 regional users signed up. They also receive around 7 million unique users every month. That shows the scale and growth of social commerce fairly well!

Of all the areas experiencing social commerce growth, Asia is the fastest. As early adopters of new technologies and trends, this is hardly surprising! Consulting firm AT Kearney surveyed 10,000 consumers worldwide. Of these consumers they discovered 95% of consumers aged 16 to 45 in China said social media talk influenced their online shopping behaviour. A further 61% of Chinese respondents said social media happenings frequently influenced their buying behaviour.



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