It's pretty amusing to look back at old websites and see how static (read: boring) they used to be. One of the things that often catches me off guard is...
Two months into 2015, and apps still aren't going away any time soon. In fact, iPhone apps are reaching record sales numbers! Unfortunately, this onslaught of techies with large app-etites...
A cool new app makes it seem like the smart home is closer than ever. Sure it's not this fully furbished smart home that cooks, cleans and entertains for you. But...
CES 2015 was an event not to be missed by tech enthusiasts. Even gardeners lent an ear as CES attendees promoted smart gardens! As diverse as the offerings were, they...
Apple, alongside thousands of mobile software developers have been met with a particularly ravenous crowd. Enthusiastic users of iPhones, iPads and iPod touches spent a whopping nearly $500 million USD...
The 'Internet of Things' has been enthused over for many, many years. Perhaps too many years. In fact it was in 1926 that Nicholas Tesla first said, ""When wireless* is...
Is your once tendered and loved vegetable garden now a pot of shriveled roots? Are your camellias now tangled in a web of weeds? A lot of people have a...
Technology developments are incredibly hard to predict. Technology changes so rapidly and every year it seems to have taken a new direction. I believe one of the best ways to...
While Star Wars VII is still just under a year away from release, Star Wars social media accounts are running rife with speculation. Everything and anything is being analysed as...
Retail has been getting a major upgrade recently. First robotic shop assistants. And then virtual reality furnishing. And now facial recognition technology. This technology is arguably the most personal retail...